Hear from Tracey Todd, Social Media Director from NICD, Dan Seaman, Product Director, and Allison Munro, Former Head of Marketing from Viafoura as they discuss best practices to drive civil discourse between citizens, media, and the government.
Presented in partnership with NICD
Digital content curator, Tracey Todd plays a leading role at the National Institute for Civil Discourse to encourage a social media environment where US citizens can connect, have civil dialogues, and feel empowered to create outcomes from those discussions. Tracey utilizes social media and emergent technologies to help strengthen the quality and effectiveness of conversation on today’s online spaces
Director of Product,
NICD is a nonpartisan center for the advocacy, research, and policy of civil discourse. Based out of the University of Arizona, NICD identifies opportunities for elected officials, the media, and the public to engage in healthy and civil political debate.